University 住房 Reasonable Accommodation Policy



节中,我.       简介及背景

内布拉斯加大学科尔尼分校(“bet36365体育”或“大学”)认识到在必要时为残疾人使用和享受大学住房的住房政策和做法提供合理住宿的重要性. 本政策解释了申请合理住宿的具体要求和指导方针.  bet36365体育 reserves the right to amend this policy at any time as circumstances require.

第二节.      Procedure for Requesting Reasonable Accommodation (Excluding Requests for Service Animals under the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act)

学生残疾服务办公室(“残疾服务”)负责评估是否批准或拒绝在大学住房中提供合理住宿的请求. 在评估请求时, Disability Services will consult with the Office of Residence Life ("Residence Life"), bet36365体育 ADA/第504条协调员, 和bet36365体育咨询办公室 & Care, as necessary, to determine whether the requested accommodation is necessary and reasonable. 居住或打算居住在大学宿舍的残疾人士,如果认为自己需要合理的住宿,必须联系残疾服务中心.

Requests for reasonable accommodation in University housing policies and practices are governed by the following requirements:

  1. 申请住宿

  •  An individual with a disability must complete the “Disability 住房 Accommodation Request Form” (the “Request Form”) to request a reasonable accommodation.    Copies of the Request Form are available from Disability Services.  If the individual requires assistance in completing the Request Form because of his/her disability, Disability Services will provide assistance in completing the form.

  •  bet36365体育 will accept and consider requests for reasonable accommodation in University housing at any time.  提出住宿要求的个人应在搬进大学宿舍之前尽快填写并提供残疾服务申请表. 然而, if the request for accommodation is made fewer than 60 days before the individual intends to move into University housing, bet36365体育不能保证它将能够满足个人在第一学期或入住期间的住宿需求.

  •  If the need for the accommodation arises when an individual already resides in University housing, he/she should contact Disability Services and complete the Request Form as soon as practicably possible. bet36365体育不能保证它将能够在收到请求的学期或学期内满足住宿需求.

  •  无特殊情况, 大学将在收到下文第2段所述信息后的14个工作日内,对合理的住宿要求作出书面答复.

 2. Information that May Be Requested for 住房-Related Reasonable 住宿要求


  • 明显的残疾: If the individual's disability and the necessity for the accommodation are obvious (e.g. an individual with a physical disability using a wheelchair needs an accessible room), the individual need only explain what type of accommodation she is requesting. No verification of disability and/or necessity is required under these circumstances. 

  • 不明显的残疾/必要性

    •    If the disability is obvious but the need for the accommodation is not obvious, the University may require the individual to complete the Reasonable Accommodation Verification Form for University 住房 (“验证表”),并指定一个可靠的第三方,可以验证所要求的住宿是必要的,为个人提供平等的机会使用和享受大学住房, but may not seek information about the individual’s disability.

    • If the disability and necessity for the accommodation are not obvious, 残疾服务将要求个人填写验证表,并指定一个可靠的第三方,可以验证个人有残疾,所要求的住宿是必要的,为个人提供平等的机会使用和享受大学住房.

    • 一个可靠的第三方是熟悉个人的残疾和所要求的住宿的必要性的人. 可靠的第三方包括, 但不限于, 医生或其他医疗专业人员, 同侪互助小组, 或非医疗服务机构(例如.g.(美国聋人协会)

    • 无特殊情况, within seven (7) working days of receiving the completed Verification Form from the third-party, 残疾服务主任, after consultation with the bet36365体育 ADA/Section 504 Compliance Officer, 将决定是否有必要为残疾人士提供住宿,以提供平等的机会使用和享受大学住房.

    • 如果第三方退回的验证表格没有提供足够的信息,以便残疾服务确定是否需要住宿, 残疾事务主任将以书面形式通知个人核查的不足之处,并可要求提供补充信息, including speaking directly with the individual supplying the third-party verification, within seven (7) business days of receiving the verification.

    • 提出住宿要求的个人必须及时与残疾人服务机构合作,提供所有必要的信息,以确定所要求的住宿是否必要.

3. 确定合理性

    • Disability Services may deny the requested accommodation if it is unreasonable. Disability Services shall consult with Residence Life to determine if implementing the requested accommodation is reasonable.

    • An accommodation is unreasonable if it: (1) imposes an undue financial and/or administrative burden; (2) fundamentally alters university housing policies; (3) poses a direct threat to the health and safety of others or would cause substantial property damage to the property of others, including University property; and/or (4) is otherwise unreasonable to the operation of the University.

4. 住宿批准

    • If Disability Services determines a requested accommodation is necessary and is not unreasonable, 它将与个人联系, 以书面形式, within seven (7) business days of its determination, to arrange a meeting to discuss the implementation of the accommodation.

5. 拒绝住宿/上诉

    • If Disability Services determines a requested accommodation is necessary but unreasonable, Disability Services will contact the individual, 以书面形式, 在确定后的七(7)个工作日内,与个人进行互动,以确定是否有其他可有效满足个人残疾相关需求的住宿.

    • 如果个人不愿意接受残疾服务中心提供的任何替代住宿,或者没有其他可用的住宿, Disability Services will provide a verbal explanation and written notification to the individual of the denial, 拒绝的原因, 上诉的权利, 以及上诉程序的程序. 该通知应以书面形式提出,并在收到个人不愿接受提供的任何替代住宿或确定没有其他可用住宿的通知后七(7)个工作日内提出.

    • All appeals are reviewed by the 内布拉斯加大学 ADA/Section 504 Compliance Officer. 如果上诉被驳回, 内布拉斯加大学的ADA/第504条合规官应向个人提供拒绝的书面通知,并书面解释拒绝的所有原因.

    • An individual may also use the grievance procedure provided under the general University antidiscrimination policies. This grievance procedure can be found at the web site for 《bet36365体育投注》和第504条申诉程序 .


     In processing requests for reasonable accommodations, the University will take all steps required by federal, 状态, and/or local law to protect the confidentiality of any information or documentation disclosed in connection with the requests. 此类措施可包括限制专门负责确定和实施合理便利请求的个人获取此类信息, who will disclose the information only to the extent necessary to determine whether to grant the request, 确定请求是否不合理, 并执行任何批准的请求, keeping all written requests and accompanying documentation in a secure area to which only those designated individuals have access, 法律另有规定的除外.

7. Non-retaliation条款
